State to Introduce the “MAHASWAYAM” Portal for Online Courses in Higher Education

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Like the central government’s SWAYAM portal, the state government of Maharashtra plans to introduce ‘MAHASWAYAM,’ a portal devoted to higher education courses. The objective is to offer an extensive online course platform and adjust to the evolving nature of education. The portal will be developed with state institutions in partnership, with an emphasis on courses pertaining to Indian Knowledge Systems. Additionally, the government intends to use social media to disseminate information and guarantee frequent updates via the Higher and Technical Education Department’s Twitter account.

The successful implementation of the state’s new National Education Policy (NEP) was the topic of a meeting on Friday, presided over by Minister of Higher and Technical Education Chandrakant Patil. The head of higher education, Professor Shailendra Deolankar, emphasized that state universities are already providing online courses. The choice was made to introduce “MAHASWAYAM” as a state-centric portal in order to guarantee accessible for all pupils.

Students can now take online classes for minor disciplines under the NEP, and the credits they acquire will go to their final grades. In response to queries over fees and academic calendars on the current SWAYAM site, Deolankar emphasized that “MAHASWAYAM” attempts to offer a solution that meets the needs of administrators and students alike.

Yashvantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Savitribai Phule Pune University, University of Mumbai, and Shivaji University, Kolhapur, have formed a consortium by the state government to implement this program. The consortium will work together to jointly design the portal over the course of the following three months, with an emphasis on courses pertaining to Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS),” stated Deolankar.

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