Dr. Jawahar Surisetti: Creating a Robust Ecosystem of Educational Excellence

Dr. Jawahar Surisetti
Dr. Jawahar Surisetti

Increased educational access promotes equality by giving people from diverse backgrounds an opportunity to improve their socio-economic status. It helps break down barriers based on gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, fostering a more inclusive society.

In his pursuit to make society more inclusive with better educational access, Dr. Jawahar Surisetti has transformed countless lives. His inspiring journey is a ray of hope for every individual dreaming of an ideal society.

Dr. Jawahar Surisetti was a high-flying corporate leader at the helm of conglomerate affairs. He learned leadership skills, accountability, team building, and time management on the mean streets of Mumbai. However, the dearth of a forward-looking leader in education motivated him to enter this field. So, after two decades at the top, Dr. Jawahar decided to put his vision and leadership skills into the field of education. This brought a whole new dimension to his work and thought process.

Redefining Inclusivity and Educational Access

Dr. Jawahar’s vision is to be able to contribute in a large way to the field of social education, where the effects are felt on a large scale by the population that needs it the most.

The mission is to make available all the skills and resources in his hand to make the lives of children who either do not have access to education or have access to a lower quality. In India, access and inclusivity are challenges that Dr. Jawahar wishes to tackle.

Dr. Jawahar’s journey was marked by grit and determination despite facing challenges such as a lack of financial resources and an impoverished background. When he pursued his hospitality education, he struggled with English and experienced a culture shock as a small-town boy in Kolkata. He also faced challenges from a peer group that was ahead in all criteria while he struggled for survival.

Continued Strive for Success

In the first phase of his service in the government, Dr. Jawahar faced challenges related to lethargy and performance not being rewarded. In the corporate world, he had to adapt to the breakneck speed of execution. Despite these challenges, Dr. Jawahar persevered and continued to strive for success in his career.

He improved his English and communication skills by conversing with his peers, leaving aside any ridicule or smirking. Dr. Jawahar quickly learned survival skills in the world of opportunities. In his first phase in government, he saw that all burden would be put on the one who performed best. Dr. Jawahar took this as an opportunity to learn more and as a stamp of approval on the quality of his work.

Embracing Innovation

Dr. Jawahar likes to stay abreast of the latest tools and technologies. This becomes possible with the company of young people with whom he shares his knowledge but at the same time learns new technologies and language, understands youth better, and improves his thinking skills. This has enhanced Dr. Jawahar’s decision-making and ideation for development.

Dr. Jawahar is known for his unique approach to problem-solving, which involves being patient in planning and execution. He is a firm believer in the importance of gathering as many perspectives and ideas as possible before making a decision. This approach allows him to carefully consider all options and choose the best course of action for the given situation.

In his planning process, Dr. Jawahar takes the time to listen to a wide range of views and ideas. He understands that this thorough approach is essential for making informed decisions and finding the most effective solutions. Once he has identified the best ideas for the issue at hand, he carefully selects and combines them to create a comprehensive plan.

Once the plan is in place, Dr. Jawahar then turns his attention to execution. He is a skilled leader who clearly outlines the roles and responsibilities of each team member or individual involved in the project. He then monitors and guides the team through the process, providing intermittent support and guidance as needed.

A Skilled and Respected Leader

Dr. Jawahar’s approach to problem-solving has proven to be highly effective, as it allows him to make well-informed decisions and lead his team to success. His patience and attention to detail in both planning and execution have earned him a reputation as a skilled and respected leader in his field.

For his leadership role, Dr. Jawahar was honoured by New Indian Express in 2018 among ‘The People to Watch Out For,’ he was featured with the likes of Yogi Adityanath, Kamal Hassan, and Anirudh Ravichander and was named Pundit of Policy.

NYT Da Vinci Innovator of the Year by the New York Times was another prestigious award he received. It was bestowed for the Think Curriculum, an innovation that fosters thinking in school children. He was also featured in Forbes magazine for yeomen efforts in the spread of education.

Apart from this, he also received Bharat Shiksha Ratna from the Government and many more awards like these for his contribution to the social upliftment.

Unconventional Approach

Dr. Jawahar has always been a risk-taker, and his life is a testament to the rewards that come with making bold and unconventional decisions. Throughout his career, he has made several high-risk decisions that have helped him reach great heights.

Leaving a stable government job to join the corporate world was a bold move that required significant risk-taking. However, this decision paid off, and Dr. Jawahar found himself in a position of influence and success. He has since been invited to join the boards of 30 large corporations, public and private universities, startups, and school chains, as well as providing advisory services to governments.

Despite the warnings and concerns from well-wishers and family, Dr. Jawahar has continued to take risks and make unconventional decisions. These decisions have led him to a highly satisfying career filled with accomplishments and a positive impact on the organizations he has worked with.

Dr. Jawahar’s journey has been fraught with risks and challenges, but his willingness to take bold steps has allowed him to achieve great success. His story serves as an inspiration to others who are willing to take risks and challenge the status quo in pursuit of their goals.

Setting Right Priorities

Dr. Jawahar gives valuable advice to aspiring leaders not to chase money. Money follows if the thoughts and deeds are right and innovative. He also requests them to give back to society, and the returns will miraculously turn. In this era, youth power is the strength that India has, and as a leader, he believes it’s a collective duty of all citizens to help a small group of youth succeed with the resources at hand to build a future in India.

Reaching the Last corner of the Country

The 10 TED talks of Dr. Jawahar and ‘Jawahar Sir Ki Class’ on Doordarshan are the outreach activities that tell his rags-to-riches story. His 1600 sessions in various countries of the world with audiences ranging from top corporate honchos, political leaders, bureaucrats, education leaders, and startup enthusiasts to school and college students is an eclectic mix with a reach of 3 lakh people every year, year after year. The UN expedition – Explora, exploring the minds of youth, is a particularly satisfying program done every year.

Dr. Jawahar’s adaptability has been a key factor in his success and has allowed him to excel in various industries and sectors. His ability to learn, grasp, and provide solutions in a short time frame, combined with his clear and innovative thinking process, has made him highly sought after in different circles.

In the current circumstances of the world, where change is constant, Dr. Jawahar’s adaptability has held him in good stead. He has been able to adapt to the needs of various industries, including manufacturing, IT, and services; educational institutions such as Indian and international universities, Indian and international schools, and skill schools; entertainment, hospitality, and media companies; and governments of India and the US.

Dr. Jawahar’s adaptability has allowed him to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in these industries, ensuring that he is always prepared to face new challenges and opportunities. This has helped him to make a positive impact on the organizations he has worked with and has contributed to his success.

Creating a Happier Ecosystem

Dr. Jawahar’s ultimate goal is to be a part of the University of Peace project in Bhutan. His journey has been filled with risks and challenges, but his adaptability and willingness to take bold steps have allowed him to achieve great success. His story serves as an inspiration to others who are willing to adapt and take risks in pursuit of their goals.

Dr. Jawahar’s team members feel comfortable working with him. This includes his drivers, office assistants, and others, too, and all of them are empowered to suggest, think, and reach out to him with any thoughts that better the organization and its performance. This empowerment and empathy towards each other have made people work with him for long years and, when needed, long hours.

Dr. Jawahar’s personal and professional goal is to create a University of Peace that will be a beacon for the strife-filled world and will create a robust ecosystem of peace, happiness, and a better nature. He wishes to contribute more to society in terms of creating more happy moments for people, a better education system, a more accountable governance system, and a fruitful set of youth who can build a better future for India and the world.

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