‘Bridge Month Programme’ Introduced by NCERT for Standard 6th till the books are Launched

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The curriculum and assessment for Class 6 are defined by NCERT regulations for the one-month course. Vocational, art, physical education, and well-being lessons are required.
Since the National Council for Educational Training and Research (NCERT) released the new National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for Class 6, schools are required to provide programs for art education, vocational education, and physical education and well-being. The NCERT has released a Bridge Month Programme (BMP) for Class 6, which outlines the curriculum, assessment, and teaching methodology, even though the textbooks have not yet been released.

The council revealed that NCERT books for Classes 3rd and 6th would be introduced by April end. “Subsequently, in the years 2025-2026 and 2026-2027, new syllabus and textbooks for the remaining grades will be introduced,” reflected the NCERT guidelines.

The NCERT mentioned that, “Student’s transition from Grade 2 to 3 and from Grade 5 to Grade 6 must be smooth. The prerequisite for learning in the new curriculum is to be fulfilled, otherwise, students will suffer from a load of non-comprehension.”

NCERT clarified on why it termed it as Bridge month as it said, “The purpose would be to develop an interactive and playful classroom to set the atmosphere and prepare both teachers and students for the new syllabus and new approach to learning. Subjects are to be seen as interconnected.

“It is necessary that they get exposure to learning in a manner that they can enjoy the process of learning, they learn while playing, they learn by talking to their peers, and they learn by observing the things around them for at least one month — which may be called a Bridge Month. This month, all the subjects are to be taught in a fun-based manner”.

In accordance with the National Curriculum Framework for School Education 2023 (NCF-SE 2023), science—the study of the material and natural world—and social science—the study of human society—are added to the intermediate stage, and pupils are also exposed to vocational education.
Students in Class 6 will now study Social Science, Mathematics, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, Vocational Education, Art Education, and Physical Education & Well-Being. For these subjects, the BMP has also been made available.
A revised schedule and time allotment will be applied to Class 6. Currently, each academic year will consist of 100 hours for art education, 110 hours for physical education, and 110 hours for vocational education.

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