Directed by Bong Joon-ho, "Parasite" is a darkly comedic thriller that explores themes of class inequality. It follows the intertwined lives of two families from different socioeconomic backgrounds, leading to unexpected and gripping twists.
Directed by Peter Farrelly, "Green Book" is a heartwarming drama inspired by a true story. It portrays the unlikely friendship between an African American pianist and his Italian American driver as they embark on a concert tour through the racially segregated South in the 1960s.
Directed by Guillermo del Toro, "The Shape of Water" is a visually stunning fantasy romance set against the backdrop of the Cold War era. It tells the story of a mute janitor who forms a unique bond with a mysterious amphibious creature held captive in a government laboratory.
Directed by Barry Jenkins, "Moonlight" is a coming-of-age drama that follows the life of a young African American man named Chiron as he navigates his identity, sexuality, and struggles with his upbringing in Miami.