Anand Kumar, the founder of Super 30 and a mathematician, has announced plans to introduce a new online learning platform soon to help impoverished and disadvantaged youngsters in India receive an education. Kumar stated that the time has come to embrace the available technology in order to reach out to an increasing number of students during his speech at the 2024 Kellogg India Business Conference, which was organized by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and with the theme “Reimagining India: Shaping the Global Economic Landscape.”
“Time has come to embrace the available technology to reach out to more and more students. Super 30 made me growing aspirations of the poor to change their lives and many of the students who passed out did bright about a generational shift due to the power of education. A new online educational platform will be launched soon to take education to the doorsteps of the poor in what would be an expanded version of his pioneering Super 30 initiative,” Kumar said. Adversities may teach us a lot, Kumar claimed, adding that the disruption caused by the life-altering COVID pandemic taught him a lot and that he used social media to interact with pupils who were cooped up at home.
“The world is full of talented people. Even in the present scenario, there are so many children hidden from the eyes of the world due to poverty. They have ability to become Newton and Ramanujan but perhaps their talent gets lost due to a lack of opportunity. My online initiative is aimed at giving them the platform to excel,” he added. According to Kumar, it would realize his aim of seeing all disadvantaged students receive an education. High-quality education is also a right for the poorest. It’s time to leave the labs and experience what it’s like to live in a country or hamlet without access to clean water, electricity, or food. He stated that the moment has arrived and technology is available to interact with the impoverished everywhere.
The ideal use of technology, in Kumar’s opinion, would be to make sure that opportunities reach the underprivileged. He claimed that society had a duty to make this happen in order to expand the pool of talent for global wealth and the good of humanity as a whole. I’m just a regular instructor with no special powers, but today I’m telling you from the bottom of my heart based on my feelings and experiences that if you work hard and have a strong desire to do something, you will succeed. It is plausible that the duration will increase. longer than you anticipated. However, success is inevitable, according to Kumar.
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